
The 李建新:互联网安全领域缺少一个垂直孵化器 - huanqiu.com:2021-8-29 · 会议当天,898创新空间董事长兼总裁李建新演讲中表示,拟设立10亿元基金,以旗下的光华资本+全球极客工场的“资本+加速器”模式助推互联网安全 ... mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical problem solving for sustainable development. Since 2012, the SDSN has been committed to supporting the implementation of sustainable development solutions at local, national, and global scales. Much of SDSN’s work is led by National or Regional SDSNs, which mobilize knowledge institutions around the SDGs. Spanning six continents, the SDSN network comprises over 1100 member institutions, most of which are universities, coordinated by 33 National and Regional Networks.